Monday, November 23, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I think that Susie's father thinks that it is perfect because, their is no sadness, or grief, or anything that is bad. Their was only good things in the globe and he was cut of from all of the outside world. I also think that Susie thinks that she is trapped in Heaven because she wants to be with her family and she can't. Susie also doesn't think Heaven is perfect because it doesn't have entirely ever thing she wants and she doesn't have her family with her. She feels trapped because there is nothing she can do to help them catch her murderer and she feels helpless.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Parts of Speech Review

Directions: You will come up with the words below and then write a paragraph using the words you have come up with.

List the following words: (you may use more than this, but you MUST use the ones you list below in the paragraph you write).

10 Nouns: Jacob, Chair, Mom, Luke, Mason, Snake, Dog, Deer, Dad, Gun

5 Adjectives: Big, Small, Long, Hungry, White

3 Adverbs: Carefully, Quietly, Loudly

2 Conjunctions: And, Or

3 Verbs: Walking, Running, Crawling

2 Prepositions: Around, Next to

1 Interjection: Wow

2 Pronouns: He, She

After you have made your list, use the words you come up with to write a paragraph about anything you wish. The paragraph MUST make sense, and it MUST use all of the words you have come up with above.

Jacob was on his way to go hunting with his Dad. So he started walking up to the blind when he saw a big, long snake crawling next to him. He screamed "Woe" and started running to get away from the snake. So once that happened he started walking real carefully and watched his step. After that he had to walk around a pond and then he climbed into the blind. Once in the blind Jacob saw a small deer and it must have been real hungry because it ate at the feeder a long time. So we sat there for a little while and than all of a sudden we saw a beast deer. So I quietly got my gun out and right when I was about to fire a dog trotted out and barked loudly and scared the deer away. After that two hogs walked out, one white one and one brown one. So my dad said I could either shoot one or the other. So I picked one out and scooted my chair up to get a better shot. I took a shot and killed it so we went and showed it to my mom and she was amazed and so were my brothers Mason and Luke.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Bucket List

1. Meet Michael Jordan and play basketball with him.
2. Go skiing in the Alps
3. Go elephant hunting
4. Go skydiving
5. Fly a plane
6. Make lots of friends
7. Ride a wild hog
8. Win a state championship in a sport.
9. Make a giant slip n' slide down Ave. I.
10. Go surfing in Hawaii
11. Climb Mount Everest
12. Be a commentator on Monday Night Football
13. Become the first white man to be M.V.P. of the Finals in the 21 century
14. Ride a bike through the White House
15. Go bungy jumping off the Royal Gorge
16. Make my birthday a holiday.
17. Make the next number one song
18. Ride in a blimp
19. Meet Denzel Washington
20. Ride a dolphin
21. Ride a dirtbike down the Great Wall of China
22. Visit the Museum of Natural History
23. Retire my number on the varsity basketball team.
24. Hunt Sharks with a 50 Caliber Rifle.
25. Start a new language
26. See one of the Winter Olympics
27. Meet the Pope
28. Prank call the President
29. Have air soft wars inside of the school
30. Build a raft and float down a river.
31. Go disc golfing
32. Ride a super long disc ride.
33. Go hand gliding.
34. Go kayaking down the royal gorge