Eight years ago today I was in the 3rd grade I think that I was in Mrs. Potts Class but I didn't know about what had happened until I got home from school that day. One thing that I remember in the weeks following the attack was the attack was all that was on the news and their were a whole bunch of American Flags every where. On thing that I heard a lot of was "In God We Trust" and there were a lot of stories about it on TV.
I think that in 20 years we will still be remembering this attack because I mean its been 8 and we still haven't forgot about it. But I don't think it will be as big of a deal as it is now.
One reason that I think that the terrorist decided to attack America is because we we're just trying to invade and take control or Iraq and that area and that was the same people who bombed us. And the reason they didn't attack anyone else is because they had a big grudge against us and didn't need to attack anyone else.
I don't know anyone that was directly involved with the bombings of the September 11 attacks.
I think that personally if I wrote a story about it it would have to be from someones point of view that was their and had more of an idea about it because I was just a little kid when it happened. And I think it would be about how it happened and how afterwards instead of falling apart America came together as a whole.
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